Weight: 155.8
Sleep: No
BM: Yes
Belly bloat: Yes
I didn’t sleep through the night again. I seem to be on an every other day pattern. I woke around 2:00, took another bath, then read for an hour. I was able to fall asleep again this time and slept until the alarm went at 6:00, but I felt very shaky. Experienced toe cramps, which I sprayed with magnesium spray and they stopped. Also had that same strong cramping in my ileocecal valve that I experienced the other day. Was it a sign of another BM on its way? I knew that coffee would likely bring one on, but it did not appeal at all today so, listening to my body, I drank green tea instead. I felt a bit better after that, though very weak and lightheaded. Luckily I’m working at home today so I was able to rest until the start of my work day and didn’t have to deal with walking to the subway station. I started to feel nausea, which is not a good sign, so I unfroze some homemade soup that I have in the freezer and strained out the broth, added a tsp of Redmond salt, and drank it down, then sat down at my computer to work. About 20 minutes later I realized I was starting to feel much much better. The soup was fatty, so I decided to take some liquid vitamin D3 and threw in a dropper of B complex for good measure. An hour later I was feeling my old energy return. I was able to work steadily through the morning, editing quickly and with clarity as I continued to sip green tea.
There seems to be a pattern here with my sleep. I believe it’s motility that’s waking me nights, along with cramping in my ileocecal valve, which connects the small and large intestine and controls the flow. Perhaps the problems I’ve had for the past two years with sleep are due to this. If this fast repairs that, it could help reverse my IBS. This is very motivating and I feel a renewed determination to continue this fast.
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