Weight: 159.2
Sleep: Yes
BM: Yes
Belly bloat: Yes
They say day 3 is the worst, and mine wasn't a cake walk.
I woke up at 2:30 am and could not get back to sleep. I took a hot epsom bath and tried again. It was no use, I was up. I didn't want to disturb DH so I went into the livingroom to read for a while. Around 4:00 I made a cup of coffee and read a bit more, I had a sudden pain in my lower right abdomen, right above the hip bone. This is my ileocecal valve opening, I thought. Sure enough, about 20 minutes later I was heading for the bathroom. I hadn't expected to have BMs when I wasn't eating. I wish I could say that it was a totally normal BM and I was suddenly cured of IBS, but it was grape clusters if you know what I mean, with signs of poor fat digestion and a too-light color.
I read some more until it was time to get dressed for work. I felt like crap, and the dark circles under my eyes required major concealer work.
At the office work was steady. I was free at lunchtime and not eating so I took a yoga class. This time it was very challenging; my legs were visibly shaking during tree pose. I was hungry when I got back from lunch so I had a cup of bone broth and got to work. Worked steadily until 6:00, then headed home. I read in the bedroom with the door closed and the air purifier turned on, while DH cooked and ate dinner without me. I was so tired, I fell asleep before he even turned in. I slept straight through until morning.
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