Weight: 161.7
Sleep: Yes
BM: No
Belly bloat: Yes
I slept well and woke up feeling relatively refreshed. I drank a cup of diluted black coffee, and got dressed for work. My pants zipped a bit more easily already. I hopped on the scale and saw I was down two pounds. I like to think it was SIBO belly bloat shrinking, but no, the SIBO belly was still there. It’s just water weight.
I was a bit hungrier throughout this day, but I tamped it down with sips of water. It helped that work was crazy busy. When I got home I did the hot bath ritual, but this time it didn't soothe my hunger, so I defrosted a cup of beef bone broth that I keep in the freezer, and was it delicious!
It was just what I needed. I worked on the blog for a time at the computer, then headed for bed, where I read more about fasting and especially about how to end a fast in a gut-friendly way. DH was at the gym, so there were no cooking smells to make me hungry. I went to bed early, before he even got home, but I didn't sleep through the night.
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