Weight: 163.4
Sleep: Yes
BM: No
Belly bloat: Yes
Most naturopaths recommend that you not work while fasting. The idea is that the body is in a healing process, and you want to give all your energy to that.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to this principle in my reading before I started day 1, and even if I had, I don't have several weeks vacation that I can use for this. I have no choice but to work. My work is more mentally demanding than physical, so I hope this will be alright.
I may have overdone it physically today. I still took yoga class, walked the long way to and from the subway station, and took the stairs for everything. The day went by quickly. I was very busy at work with not a lot of time to dwell on hunger. If I was hungry, I didn’t notice. I drank a lot of water and green tea, and I made it through the day with relative ease.
When I got home at night, I took a relaxing bath with Epsom salts, caught up on the phone with various friends and family members, and read a few chapters of a good book, relaxing in the bedroom with the door closed and the air purifier turned up, while DH cooked and ate dinner without me.
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